Chorlton Open Gardens 2022 is on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June 2022. Come and visit this year’s selection of local private gardens. The new two-day event means you have more time to see all the gardens, but each garden will be open for just one day.

Volunteer gardeners are throwing their Chorlton gardens open to the public. Over the weekend, there will be more than 30 gardens, alleyways and allotments to visit; many will have refreshments for sale, wildlife displays, and music to listen to. Or, just come and be nosy!
All you need to visit the gardens is a £5 programme, one for each person, with accompanied under-13s free. Programmes contain our handy map; they will be available from a number of shops in Chorlton in late May. Click here for list of shops and their opening times.

All money raised by programme sales will go to Freedom From Torture. Individual gardens may also sell plants, produce and refreshments in aid of Freedom From Torture and other charities. These additional attractions will be listed in the programme, so get yours early to plan your route.